
4D System(3D Model/Process System Linkage)

Key Benefits

- WBS for Primavera

Key Features

- Visualization of 3D Model Components
- WBS Data Link
- Sub-Activity Auto Generation
- Schedule Review (Simulation)


It is the system that generates, simulates and manages 3D models combining 3D objects (SP 3D) and WBS (Primavera). After it uses activity information of Primavera as WBS information and SmartPlant 3D system structure and links 3D+Primavera data, it links and utilizes data needed for review, then reviewed information is resent to Primavera.

huensystem | Location : B-412, 168, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (08507)
TEL : 02-0226-0216 | FAX : 0504-844-0215 | E-mail :
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